Pameran UMKM BRI (RT) Resmi Dibuka! 1.000 UMKM Didukung oleh Komitmen Nyata dari BRI

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PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BRI) officially opened the series of events for BRI UMKM EXPO(RT) 2025. This year, a total of 1,000 best UMKM successfully passed a rigorous selection process. This number is an increase compared to the previous event, which only involved 700 UMKM in the Bazaar.

In his speech at the event opening at ICE BSD City, Tangerang, on Thursday (1/30), President Director of BRI Sunarso revealed that BRI is organizing BRI UMKM EXPO(RT) 2025 concurrently with BRI Microfinance Outlook 2025.

“Today, BRI is hosting BRI UMKM EXPO(RT) 2025 held simultaneously with BRI Microfinance Outlook (MFO). Previously, these two events were held separately. We hope that the combination of these two events can support President Prabowo Subianto’s Asta Cita to create inclusive, competitive, and sustainable economic growth,” Sunarso said in a statement on Friday (1/31/2025).



Sunarso revealed that through the presence of prominent speakers at the Microfinance Outlook, they hope to gain strategic ideas related to global and domestic economic challenges, as well as policy responses that can be taken to address them.

“For BRI, this is a crucial aspect in formulating strategic responses and action plans to support Asta Cita, by placing UMKM as the main pillar in driving inclusive and sustainable economic growth,” he said.

The opening event was attended by several high-ranking state officials, including the Chairman of MPR RI, Ahmad Muzani; Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Airlangga Hartarto; and Coordinating Minister for Empowerment of Society, Muhaimin Iskandar.

Also present were Finance Minister, Sri Mulyani Indrawati; Minister of UMKM, Maman Abdurrahman; Vice Minister of SOEs, Kartika Wirjoatmodjo; and Vice Minister of Trade, Dyah Roro Esti.

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Airlangga Hartarto, said that the BRI UMKM EXPO(RT) 2025 event is evidence of BRI empowering UMKM entrepreneurs who are the backbone of Indonesia’s economy.

According to Airlangga, UMKM contributes more than 60% to Indonesia’s GDP and employs 97% of the workforce. However, their contribution to global trade can still be further enhanced.

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“This BRI initiative involving 1,000 UMKM is in line with President Prabowo’s Asta Cita to create quality jobs,” he emphasized.

After undergoing a rigorous selection process for one month (November 4 – December 7, 2024), a total of 1,000 outstanding UMKM were selected and will be showcased in five main categories, namely Home Decor & Craft (153 UMKM), Food & Beverage (358 UMKM), Accessories & Beauty (181 UMKM), Fashion & Fabrics (273 UMKM), and Healthcare & Wellness (35 UMKM).

The development and increase in the number of UMKM participants is very significant when looking at data since 2019. In the first event, only 155 UMKM participated in the Showcase and Bazaar.

This number increased in 2020 with 423 UMKM in the Showcase and 150 UMKM in the Bazaar. The positive trend continued in 2021, where 500 UMKM participated in the online Bazaar exhibition. In 2022, 502 UMKM participated in the online Showcase Bazaar, and 251 UMKM took part in the offline Bazaar.

Then, in 2023, the number of participants increased again with 500 UMKM in the Showcase and 700 UMKM in the Bazaar.

With the addition of UMKM participants, BRI targets sales volume to reach Rp 38 billion this year with expo visitors reaching 50,000, up from the previous 26,315 visitors at the 2023 expo.

BRI is also optimistic that this event can generate business deals worth US$ 89.4 million throughout 2025, a higher figure compared to the previous event in 2023, which recorded US$ 81.3 million.

This year, the number of buyers and countries participating in business matching is targeted to increase to 94 buyers from 33 countries, higher than the previous event which had 86 buyers from 30 countries.

As an illustration, in the first event in 2019, the value of business matching agreements was recorded at US$ 33.5 million with 16 buyers from 7 countries. This value increased in 2020 to US$ 57.5 million, involving 26 buyers from 11 countries.

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In 2021, the agreements increased again to US$ 72.1 million, with 32 buyers from 14 countries in 207 business sessions. This positive momentum continued in 2022, where business matching recorded a value of US$ 76.7 million, involving 43 buyers from 20 countries, and reached US$ 81.3 million in 2023 with 86 buyers from 30 countries.

With the theme ‘Broadening MSME’s Global Outreach,’ BRI UMKM EXPO(RT) 2025 aims to expand the market reach of Indonesian UMKM and build the competitiveness of local entrepreneurs on the global stage.

Furthermore, as a concrete step in supporting the development of UMKM, there is a collaboration between BRI and the Ministry of Trade, where starting in 2025, scheduled business matching will be held twice a month regularly.

BRI Microfinance Outlook 2025

On the same occasion, BRI also held the BRI Microfinance Outlook 2025, which serves as an important discussion platform regarding the current economic conditions and development strategies for Indonesia.

Unlike other Outlooks, the BRI Microfinance Outlook this time focuses on the theme ‘Empowering the People’s Economy: A Pillar for Achieving Inclusive & Sustainable Growth,’ which discusses strategies for empowering communities as the driving force of the people-based economy.

In her speech, Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati emphasized the crucial role of UMKM in Indonesia’s economy, including BRI as a state-owned institution actively involved in empowering this sector.

She highlighted the importance of synergy between state-owned enterprises and state finances through the Ministry of Finance under the coordination of the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs to continue strengthening the national economy through various programs, including this UMKM expo event.

“Amid global economic uncertainty, our economy has maintained growth, stable at 5%. We have been maintaining both demand and supply sides. The strengthening of welfare by BRI, focusing on UMKM even in rural areas, is highly appreciated because it will synergize with the government’s efforts,” said Sri Mulyani.

BRI Microfinance Outlook 2025: Membahas Masa Depan Keuangan Inklusif

Sebagai forum diskusi yang berskala internasional, BRI Microfinance Outlook 2025 menjadi wadah untuk bertukar gagasan dan pandangan mengenai masa depan keuangan inklusif. Dengan menghadirkan narasumber dari berbagai latar belakang, acara ini menjadi ajang yang sangat dinanti oleh para ahli, profesional, pemerintah, dan regulator. Beberapa di antaranya adalah Menteri Keuangan Republik Indonesia, Sri Mulyani, serta Chief Economist dari Asian Development Bank, Albert Francis Park.

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Narasumber Berpengaruh

Tidak hanya itu, kehadiran Paul Romer, seorang penerima Nobel Ekonomi, serta Harsha Rodrigues, Head of Regional Client Services di Women’s World Banking, akan memberikan wawasan yang berharga mengenai cara memperkuat keuangan inklusif. Dengan berbagai sudut pandang yang dibawakan oleh para narasumber berpengaruh ini, diharapkan akan tercipta diskusi yang produktif dan solutif dalam upaya meningkatkan akses keuangan bagi semua lapisan masyarakat.


Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk ikut serta dalam mendukung produk lokal dan turut merayakan kreativitas serta inovasi UMKM Indonesia di BRI UMKM EXPO(RT) 2025. Acara ini akan berlangsung di ICE BSD mulai tanggal 30 Januari hingga 2 Februari 2025. Dengan berbagai pameran, diskusi panel, dan workshop yang diselenggarakan, para pelaku UMKM akan mendapatkan wawasan dan inspirasi baru untuk mengembangkan usaha mereka.

Informasi Lebih Lanjut

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai acara BRI Microfinance Outlook 2025 dan BRI UMKM EXPO(RT) 2025, kunjungi situs atau pantau terus akun Instagram @bankbri_id. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan berharga ini untuk memperluas pengetahuan dan jaringan Anda dalam dunia keuangan inklusif.

Video Inspiratif: 129 Tahun BRI Mewujudkan Inovasi dan Pelayanan Prima untuk Indonesia

Selain itu, jangan lewatkan juga untuk menonton video inspiratif “129 Tahun BRI Mewujudkan Inovasi dan Pelayanan Prima untuk Indonesia” yang bisa Anda saksikan di sini. Video ini memberikan gambaran yang menarik mengenai perjalanan BRI dalam mewujudkan inovasi dan pelayanan prima selama 129 tahun bagi Indonesia.

Dengan mengikuti perkembangan acara-acara dan informasi terkini dari BRI, Anda akan terus mendapatkan wawasan yang berharga dalam dunia keuangan dan bisnis. Jadi, jangan lewatkan setiap kesempatan untuk terus belajar dan berkembang bersama BRI!

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